Monthly Archives: January 2012

Back from San Francisco

Wow.  We finished the year with a whirlwind trip to San Francisco to watch Furthur and meet up with some friends.  Our hotel decoration was interesting, in a 50’s Atomic styling, complete with the colors.  Oh, and a chair from The Prisoner.

Americania hotel chair

Besides the music stuff, we walked around downtown and had lunch with friends.  On Friday, the expedition was to Maiden Lane, Union Square, and Chinatown.  I had lunch with Ann Wilkes and her lovely sister-in-law in Chinatown, then walked back to the hotel.  Everyone complained about the rain but it seemed like mist to me.  With really big mist droplets.

On Saturday, we met K.W. and Geri Jeter for lunch and had a great time of it.  We walked down to the Ferry Building, with many stops for me to take pictures.

I’m not sure why, but for some reason this trip it was all about urban architecture shots for me. I’d catch a skyline here, a profile there, various and sundry interesting shapes, or light on the skin of the skyscrapers.  I found myself chasing light and contrasts and, well, I did get some good shots…

Overall, it was a good and relaxing time.  I did some serious thinking about what I’m going to be doing, and I think I made some good choices.  We’ll see how things play out.

But the year-end summary is a different post entirely, and I’ve got stuff to be doing.

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