I’ve been a bit of a slacker this week and not gotten the info out on Netwalk Foundations.
Basically, twice a month (first and third Mondays), I’ll be putting up a freebie short piece connected to The Netwalk Sequence on my web page. Some of these pieces will be brief character sketches, some will be worldbuilding stories tied into the Sequence in different ways. Some of this material is original writing from the early 1990s, just updated to reflect the current worldbuilding process, and some of it will be brand new.
Kathy Miller is the rewrite of a worldbuilding story from the 90s. I’ve updated it to reflect current continuity. I won’t do that with every piece I put up, but this one needed some revision.
Foundations has its own tab on my webpage toolbar, and each story will have its own page. Go here to read Kathy’s story–available in Kindle, epub and PDF versions!