After a stormy week of off and on rain showers, it was nice to wake to an overcast morning that became nicer as the day went on. DH and I went for breakfast, did some shopping…usual route.
And then we did more. Ran up the Mountain to make sandbags for the renter (until the occasional deep snowfall/fast runoff twice a winter situation gets improved by having the county clean out the culverts and ditches on the roads above the house. We don’t have it bad. The neighbors, now….). We also dug out a drain, which will help.
Then! Off to the barn and Miss Mocha. A short but intensive work, culminating in small circles with random flying changes into a different small circle rather than predictable large circles with flying changes in the usual spot. Mocha started trying to anticipate and I had to yell at her once. Granted, my sore back isn’t letting me signal with the greatest precision, but it’s improving–ergo, the more complex figures. Once she got it, I pulled the plug and we went for a little trail ride by the road. High 40s F temps, nice comfortable temperature for working and doing stuff outside when it’s not raining. DH walked with us, which Mocha really likes.
Miss Mocha also did a Cuteness while being untacked and groomed. There’s a new mare in the stall across from Mocha, right next to the croos-tie station. She was fretting back and forth as Mocha got treats during the tacking process. So….DH commented suddenly that Mocha was taking a long time munching her treat, making extra loud smacky “yum yum” horsey noises, and exaggeratedly licking her lips as she savored it. I’d kind of noticed the phenomenon before, but, y’know? Sometimes you’re not sure of these things.
Well, he noticed it too. And we watched, and she didn’t do it when the other mare wasn’t watching. Bingo. Little teaser. She’d look right at that other mare, then start up with the Loud Happy Treat Savoring Noises, complete with a horsey sneer on her face as she broadly licked her lips. If the other mare got more excited, Mocha’s gestures grew more exaggerated. But if the other mare wasn’t looking? Typical Mocha treat gobbling, discreet and quick.
Horsey humor in action. And, perhaps, a little bit of dominance behavior. I’ve seen Mocha do this with excitable types like this mare is right now. She’ll exaggerate her own calm, relaxed postures with a little twist that suggests a bit of “in your face!” posturing to the other horse. She definitely Does Not Approve of skittery behaviors in Her Barn, and pulls faces and other tricks like this as a result. Girl likes her routines.
Anyway, a fun afternoon with Mocha. Then a quick run home, scraping of skis for tomorrow, and then off to a pleasant dinner with a couple of friends. Lots of laughter and fun….and now, to bed.
No writing, but once in a while one needs this sort of all-action accomplishment day.
Skiing and writing tomorrow.