I guess I should mention this stuff. Granted, I’m kind of bad at posting these sorts of things, so I need to get better at doing it. With that, here’s my short list of Things Eligible:
“J.C. the Ski Bum” from Fantasy Scroll Magazine. Hey, don’t just read the story, read and nominate the mag. Iulian’s doing great stuff here.
“Live Free or Die” in Trust and Treachery, an anthology edited by Day Al-Mohamed and Meriah Crawford. Another good anthology with a great cover.
On the self-pub front, I’ve got several, but the ones that I really like and hope to see get something are these two:
Alien Savvy, linked here to Amazon (available both in Kindle and from CreateSpace) but also available through Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and Google Play
Winter Shadows, linked here to Amazon as the most reliable source (this is the illustrated version). It’s also available as part of Life in the Shadows: Diana and Will, which could also be worthwhile. Christmas Shadows, also in the above-referenced Life in the Shadows, is somewhat fun as well.
Both Alien Savvy and “Christmas Shadows” have spent some time on Amazon top 100 sublists. Just sayin’.
Here endeth the shilling. There will be more stuff for 2015 as I already have a short story and novella coming out, potentially two more short stories, and probably even more than that. Onward.