For a while there, I wasn’t certain that Miscon was going to happen, what with the complications of DS’s surgery and work stuff imploding around me. But I got an airplane ticket instead of driving, DH stayed home with recuperating DS, and all worked out for the best.
This was a big year for Miscon. Writer Guest of Honor was George R.R. Martin, which meant this little con in Missoula, Montana, exploded to be about 1500 attendees. It worked out well and pleasantly so, nonetheless. I know that Justin Barba and CthulhuBob as well as the rest of the fantastic Miscon staff worked their rears off (well, they still are, Monday’s the last day of Miscon).
Miscon is usually a bit of a relaxicon for me; a chance to unwind a little bit and anticipate the changes from school schedule to summer schedule. There’s usually a pretty decent mix of small press writers and larger press writers and at least one opportunity for a dinner with other writers. The SCA has a strong presence with sword-fighting demonstrations (this year they even brought a war horse) and classes. Sunday afternoon there’s a BBQ on Ruby’s back lawn (Ruby’s is the con hotel and a very pleasant one setting, with the back lawn bordered by a lovely little creek).
I had some very fun and well-attended panels. Several, like the Psychology of Evil panel, played to a packed room. What really stood out was the interaction between the panel and the audience. I don’t feel like the panelists dominated any of the panels I was on, but we had good interactions and participation from the audience. Additionally I ended up chatting with several folks after each panel which was great.
Both Friday and Saturday night I ended up sitting in the coffee shop at Ruby’s and talking with friends into late hours. We discovered a worthy competitor to The Eye of Argon in the purple prose category and had fun with the Corgi Attention Tribute Extraction Service. And I met new friends as well as old friends. Always good.
All in all, a pleasant and relaxing con. I’m recharged and ready to get to work on writing now rather than waiting for two and a half weeks until school’s out. Sweet.