Tag Archives: outdoors

Clammies…and oh yeah, some writing’s going on..a full Lake! (I think…)

It’s one of those busy weekends where you end up going back to work to get some rest!

First, of course, is the job search. Neverending at the moment. Nothing major to report.

Secondly, at the Portland SFWA Reading, I got asked to hurry up and write a story for an anthology that closes like, um, within a week. By yesterday I’d managed to get around 1500 words on a story that needed to be at least 5000, with a story line that wasn’t quite sure of itself.

Thirdly, we had ballet tickets for Friday night.

Fourthly, Saturday was a good clam tide.

Fifthly, we plan to go skiing on Sunday. And oh yeah, I need to finish a frackin’ short story this weekend.

So. So far this weekend, I have:

1.) Not applied for any jobs but will work on that tomorrow between writing periods.

2.) I put in 2500 words today. I am a Writing Studette. Since we were going clam digging this morning, I transferred files onto the laptop last night and charged it. On the way to our friend’s house in Clatskanie, I wrote–something like 1300-some words, Portland to Clatskanie. Got to friend’s house, put laptop on charger, went clam digging. Came back, between writing and deleting, wrote about 1700 words. End count today: 4059 words. A bunch of those words are utter dreck, but the problem is that my story arc can resolve in one of two ways, and I need to write about 3000 more words to figure out which arc is the strongest, then cut/recraft to fit. Just gotta get it done by Wednesday. And, oh yeah, go skiing, work at the Day Jobbe…and maybe ride horse. Horse could get dropped on Monday, since it’s the day before farrier that wouldn’t be bad. I might just get her the fiveway vaccination and do that on Monday.

Then there’s the AC repair…and a lot of other stuff. Nonetheless, the story will get done. I’m dredging up old 4-H Fair memories, mixing them with my memories of Fair as a leader, and then tossing in a healthy dose of hippie music festivals and Country Fair. Loving it so far…even the pieces that are dreck. It’s a story that needs to be overwritten, then pruned into shape.

Friday night’s ballet was okay. I find contemporary work either to be very good, evocative, and inspirational…or totally meh. I liked two of the works, the third was meh.

Clams–well, have a picture.





We went razor clamming near the South Jetty of the Columbia River near Hammond. I’ve never dug razor clams before, so it was a bit of a learning curve–but between the three of us, we dug 2 1/3 limits. I was impressed with the size of the clams and the relative ease in getting them–my last clams got dug up on the way back to our friend’s truck.

Plus we ended up driving on the beach to get to the good clamming space–would have been quite a hike with buckets and all for us. Lots of clams, lots of big clams–we could have probably limited out, but we got tired.The clams weren’t showing signs very clearly, so I dug a lot of false holes. Even though a clam gun ( cylinder about 2 1/2-4 inches in diameter, capped at one end with several different possible handle types) is easier than a shovel, at least for this razor clam novice, it gets tiring after a while. But I still managed to dig a respectable number of clams!

So anyway, I’ve uploaded today’s writing. Depending on the weather, I’ll go skiing tomorrow–and then shoot for another 2500-3000 words. Maybe start editing tomorrow night, maybe leave it for Monday. Looking good right now, though.

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Filed under outdoor stuff

I’ll have eagles with that, please

Today we joined our widower friend in a first exploration of potential fishing sites on the Nehalem River.  And see wildlife like, well, eagles.





We were almost to Jewell when the first of this pair flushed from the right hand side of the road and flew across, quickly followed by another that flew down the road for a few feet before joining this one.

They were still there when we got back from visiting the Jewell Meadows elk meadows.





Final wildlife count for the day: Seven eagles, starting with the two we spotted on our way to Clatskanie, plus the five after.  Nearly 100 elk between the bull herd of around 34 and the cow herd of around 60.

Lots of cool river views.IMG_7423





And the fishing?  DH hooked into a small steelhead that flipped off his hook.  I got a distinct strike, fish grabbed the lure and started to run with it, then slipped off.  One pole died (a cheapo from 30 years ago), two or three lures eaten by snags or river bottoms, and lots of pictures.  Raccoon tracks everywhere and I think I found an otter slide.

Much fun was had by all.  It’s been a few years since we’ve been fishing, and I actually spent more time fishing and less time wrestling with the line this time.  Sweet.

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Filed under outdoor stuff

Workin’ in the woods on a winter’s day.

In Western Oregon winters, going out in the woods on a forty-degree day means dealing with damp drizzle and cold.  Lots of wool and polypro under water-repellant wear.

We spent some time helping a friIMG_7310end of ours with a downed tree down in the bottom of a wet patch on his land.  He burns the wood for heating so it needed to come up to the woodshed to dry.  The rounds were pretty big so the DH and our friend spent time with splitting mauls to break up the rounds.  Then they hauled it up the short but steep hillside to the flat, and over to the woodshed.

We did have company.

IMG_7296Two fawns and a doe hung around the edge of the woods for a while.  They’d all been lying down in the field when we first went down, then got up and browsed around the edges while the guys worked.  Eventually they wandered on.  The little guy in the center here is a little buck, I think, based on his build and general attitude.  Does tend to be shier even from a young age while bucks tend to try to approach humans or at least get into a position to figure things out.

Just another December woods day.  We’d thought about skiing today, but after last week, and the amount of loosely packed stuff dumped on the hill, I think I’m riding instead.  Which I need to get wound up and ready to do soon.

But first, a couple more pix.


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