Every year I seem to forget that February is a grim and dreary month. Doesn’t matter about the number of bluebird ski days I get, February is still grim and dreary. I get blindsided by IEPs at work, the kids are sinking into midyear grumpiness and behaviors and start blowing out, there’s usually at least one house/car/health issue and….stuff.
February. Yuck.
This year, too, instead of taking a quick trip to the Tri-Cities for Radcon, I’m staying home. It’s a good thing I had already planned to do this because I discovered that as union vice president, I need to run an election and the two days I would have been gone for Radcon would have interfered majorly with it. There’s a major rally planned at the State Capitol for President’s Day and I need to go to it. I have a certification test to prepare for. I have an e-book MS to prep for. IOW, while Radcon would have been a welcome sanity break, it would have piled on the stress in spades. I would have needed to cancel and felt awful about it.
Not that this particular upcoming three-day weekend will be much of a break (see election, see paperwork, see certification test, see rally). But at least I’ll get in skiing, I won’t be up late and doing panels, and I’ll get in more time working on the writing stuff.
Sometimes stress reduction is in the small stuff. And this is one of those times.